Monday, September 20, 2010

Gathering Supplies

Supplies have begun to roll in.  Shown here are a single NEMA 17 from Keling and a Gecko 251.  I really like these drives, I use them in a slightly different form in the mill.  Four of these boards are bundled together along with an opto-isolating breakout board, which makes a lot of things easier and safer.  For new people to CNC the G540 is a great way to get into things, without having to do a ton of wiring.
Here the G251 will be driven by one of the Ardunio boards.  I got a little crazy at Sparkfun and wound up with a couple with USB, one non-USB variant, and a Lilly Pad for other projects.  Also some conductive thread and sew in LED's.  Rounding things out are an LCD to display critical info and some button input boards.
I ordered the wire wound resistors, fans, and switching MOSFET's from Digikey.  I also picked up some Thermistors, but after some consideration have decided to go with a Thermocouple for temperature sensing.  I've read up a bit on the non linearity within the temperature range that I'm trying to measure, and I think it's best to avoid the workarounds to the problem.  Although I'm not sure exactly how critical a role constant temperature plays, getting a linear temp reading makes maintaining it easier.
The first of several McMaster orders is a away, and I'm closing in on a design that I'm prepared to machine.

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